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5 Ways To Use Wool To Improve Soil Health

We all know the benefits of using wool for clothing, bedding and insulation, but it boasts so many amazing qualities which improve soil health in horticultural settings too!

As a material, wool is rich in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, each essential nutrients for plant growth!

Let’s explore how wool can improve the health of your soil, and the best ways to use it around your garden, or allotment:



As a natural material, wool is 100% compostable, and breaks down over time into the soil, releasing back the valuable nutrients It’s made up of.

planting into soil

Moisture Retention

Wool fibres have a high capacity to absorb and retain moisture. This helps to prevent soil erosion and maintains soil moisture levels, which are important for plant growth.

Temperature Regulation

Because of its fantastic insulating properties, wool can improve temperature regulation in the extremes of summer and winter, improving the success of grows year-round.

hortiwool around the base of a plant for protection

Soil Structure

Wool fibres are naturally springy and elastic, which can help improve soil structure by increasing porosity and reducing compaction.

stretching the hortiwool garden pad

Weed Control

Supress weed growth by blocking sunlight, and preventing wet seeds from germinating around your plants. In turn, this will reduce the need for chemical weed control which can affect soil health.

covering garden beds with wool to reduce weeds

Wool is a natural and renewable resource that can be used to improve soil health in a variety of ways, and an excellent way to garden more sustainably!

Break up your Hortiwool Garden Pad and add it as a compost aid, use for mulching, wrap around root balls, or simply dig it into the soil to see great results.

Show us your grows using #hortiwool